Financial investment, in general, means the application of capital with the purpose of obtaining a benefit in the future. Productive investment is undertaken when the rate of profit on money exceeds, or is equal to, the rate of interest or when profits are greater than the amount invested.
Currently, financial investments indicated for beginners are less complete and have a much lower risk compared to those intended for more experienced investors. However, it is not always easy to walk this path. That’s because there are a lot of details in the world of finance.
Therefore, it is necessary to have a good knowledge of this market, so that you can invest with greater security. Also, it’s important to understand how your profits are going to be generated in order to maximize them.
Therefore, many people prefer to keep their money in savings, and the income is not very viable. In that case, it may be that knowledge is what you need to start investing correctly. Next, learn everything about the concept of financial investment.
Why make financial investment?
This doubt is common for many people. But investing is the best way to build a solid and growing heritage. Therefore, if you have the desire to achieve financial freedom, it is important to start investing your money as soon as possible.
Initially, it’s hard to know where to start. That’s because financial investments are often a challenge. That way, afraid of losing money, it’s preferable to leave it in savings. However, leaving it there makes your money yield much less compared to other options on the market.
Currently, there are many types of investment, making your money income more than savings. However, with lower risks, or even equal to those of savings. Investments such as fixed income, for example, bring income forecast. In this way, it is possible to know how the application will be profitable.
With investment in fixed income, it is very difficult to come across any negative surprises. So, this category is one of the most suitable for beginner investors. Furthermore, this category is very simple to start applying.
What is fixed income?
Fixed income is a very suitable investment category for beginners or conservative investors. This is because it pays a remuneration that can be seen at the time the application is made, or even in the redemption.
A good part of fixed income investments function as “debt securities”. They are basically money that you are lending to the bond issuer. Therefore, you receive a remuneration for having lent the money, while the issuer uses it to obtain financial resources for its purposes.
Because they carry minimal or even no risk, these bonds are quite attractive because of their predictability. Therefore, it is ideal for investors with a more conservative profile. That way, the variation will be little, and everything is more predictable.
What is variable income?
Variable income takes this name because of its return, which is not immediate, so it is not scaled at the time of application. These titles can vary positively or negatively, acting according to the perspective of the political scenario and world market.
Within the stock market, investors can buy a minimum share worth R$30 reais. Within a short period, they could be worth as much R$50 as R$20 or R$15. This variation acts according to the market expectation for that share.
The risks of this type of investment are greater than fixed income. However, the chances of getting a lot of money are very high. Therefore, it is a type of investment for people who are willing to take big risks.

How to make the first financial investment?
The most recommended investment for beginners are fixed income securities, as they have return predictability and more security. That way, you don’t need to acquire so much knowledge and market experience before you start investing.
These investments are interesting for two categories of investors. The first are those who want to balance their investment portfolio. In addition, they are also recommended for investors who have just started and want to know the dynamics of the market.
Below, you will learn about some financial investments to familiarize yourself with before starting to invest. So, pay attention to each different type, and select the one that best suits your needs.
1. Bank Deposit Certificate (CDB)
The Bank Deposit Certificate, as its name suggests, is issued by banks that want to raise funds. They can exist both in prefixed and postfixed modality. Currently, they are a very recognized type of asset.
The CDB yields more interest than savings. However, unlike it, the remuneration of this investment will depend on the chosen financial institution. Therefore, care must be taken when investing in this area.
If you choose the prefixed one, the interest is annual and defined before the purchase. Therefore, the rate determined at the time of application will be the same until the end, regardless of the country’s economic situation.
Already the post-fixed is the name of loans that banks make daily among themselves, in order to keep their cash levels positive. This category is a little more restricted, but it also deserves to be observed and be part of your knowledge.
The maturity date of the CDB is the date on which the investment amount will be returned to the investor, with added interest. Some financial institutions do not allow early redemption, so it is important to pay attention when making the application.
The risks of this investment are in case the financial institution goes bankrupt and does not honor its commitments. However, in Brazil, there is the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC), which guarantees investors up to R$ 250,000 per CPF and per institution.
2. Direct Treasury
The direct treasury is a kind of application where the investor acquires federal debt securities through the internet. It is offered by the Federal Government, in partnership with BmBovespa. This option is one of the preferred, and safest, financial investments for beginners.
These bonds are debt issued directly for financing by the Federal Government. Therefore, these assets can be prefixed, with an annual interest presented at the time of application. Another option is post-fixed, with a fixed annual interest plus the variation of an index such as the IPCA or Selic.
3. Private Pension
This investment works in the long term, and it acts as a retirement plan, without having any connection with the INSS. Due to its benefits, it is well known by those looking for financial investments for beginners.
Private Pension is ideal for those looking for a peaceful future, as Social Security alone is not enough to maintain your income during retirement. Therefore, it might be a good idea to check out this type of financial investment.
Financial investment: learn how they work and secure your future
As you can see above, if you are looking for a financial investment, you will have several options. So, keep an eye on your favorites, and start investing according to your needs and capabilities. That way, secure your future and that of your heirs.